Kids {sugar free} trail mix 

This recipe comes from a recent unit I taught at Earl Grey School in Calgary, on Sugar. We put together a 7 minute NO COOKING REQUIRED recipe that’s loved by kids and is quite delicious.

The ingredients are simple to find, contain their own sugars and do not need any sweetness added whatsoever. The kids went nutso for this recipe as well as the teacher and the teachers assistant. I think it was a hit.

Try this for yourself and get out on the trails with your family!


 Large bowl and mixing spoons

 Scoop or spoons for serving

 Small serving bowls, cups or plastic snack bags


 2 cups soy nuts or dried chickpeas

 2 cups plain air popped popcorn

 4 cups healthy boxed cereal – Kashi brand cereals are great in this recipe

 2 cups dried fruit like apricots, pineapple, or apples (look for brands with NO added sugar).

 1 cup of dried cranberries or blueberries (buy in bulk with no sugar added)

 1⁄2 cup of dried apples

 1 cup of granola – Bob’s Red Mill Crunchy Coconut is the healthiest other than homemade

 1⁄2 cup yogurt or carob chips

 Optional- 1 cup of nuts like almonds, walnuts or unsalted roasted shelled sunflower

seeds (Beware of nut allergies! If present, do not include.)

 Note: Many different ingredients may be added, as long as there is a good mix of whole

grains, dried fruit, and nuts if no allergies are present.


1. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.

2. Scoop about 1/2 cup into small bowls, cups, or plastic snack bags and serve.

Another playlist to keep you motivated

Far be it from me to keep a good playlist down, here’s my own personal “Sasha’s Workout Faves” which is heard at the gym at least twice per week.

Dig in, I really love this one:

Finna Get Loose – Diddy

Blackened – Metallica

Don’t Worry – Madcon

Sugar – Robin Schulz

Work Bitch – Britney

Show Me How to Live – Audioslave

Black Betty – Ram jam

Head Like A Hole – Nine Inch Nails

Spread Your Love – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

R U Mine? – Arctic Monkeys

I Sat By The Ocean – Queens of the Stone Age

Last Night – The Strokes

Don’t Stop – Foster the :People

Who Needs You – The Orwells

Do You – Spoon

Phantom Limb – The Shins

Water Fountain – Tune Yards

Back in the Tall Grass – Future Islands

Lampshades on Fire – Modest Mouse

History Eraser – Courtney Barnett

Come Get it Bae – Pharrell Williams (no relation)

Blurred Lines – Robin Thicke

Money Maker – Ludacris

Aerosol CAn – Feat Pharrell / Major Laser

Hunter – Pharrell

Drop It Like It’s Hot – Snoop

We Make It Bounce – Dillon Francis

Smack My Bitch Up – The Prodigy

Paper Planes – M.I.A.

Bad Girls – M.I.A

No Sex For Ben – The Rapture



Becoming Little Miss Bikini – Season 2 Episode 3

This episode will be the first that will contain a video…so it’s a “vlog” technically then, right?

Rolled out into week 9 feeling pretty crappy because I managed to catch a wicked flu on my trip home to Vancouver ~ which was a total and utter success by the way!

So what’s new at this point in my prep you’re wondering? Well, take a minute to enjoy this link to my latest video documenting my progress.

I’ve themed this blogpost “Change”.

xx- S



Becoming Little Miss Bikini – Season 2, Episode 2 – Stay Inspired


10 weeks out & feeling firm, fit and rested.


As everyone is aware, this season I’ve decided to go all out. In more ways than one. I’m doing at least 5 shows this year which will be demanding and probably drive me right nuts…I’m also working on a new fitness product which will have me traveling and attending seminars for R&D, we have had to fire up a new Engineering Services company to survive the oil downturn, our traveling budget has been sliced next to nil so I will be looking to run teaching vacations to get us out of town whenever I can AND I’ve applied for a grant for a 12 month mentorship program to re-energize my training business by attempting to infuse this new fitness product into it.

Oh ya, did I mention I’m running my second 90 day transformation in 6 months and we have a couple of inventions on the back burner that we need to find time to look at feasibility studies for? Am I/are we nuts? Yes. Do we have heaps of time? No. Am I still going to give it 110% while I still have 110% to give? There’s only one answer.

This week will be 10 weeks out until my first show. I’ve managed to make a few surprising back gains and am feeling really great. 4 weeks off bulking mode and I’m still not tired or hungry or too irritable.

Fasted cardio in the morning starts this  week, also adding more exercise in to blow up my shoulder area…cardio PM and I’ve changed up my ab routine because I’d really like to bring in a bit more defined musculature for Spring/Fall ’16.

Practicing Flexing

I’ve decided on a suit colour for this year – and I’m keeping lucky green as a back up for sure! Can you guess which one I’ve chosen? I’ve also decided on a jewel pattern that I think will look stunning….going to try out some new connectors as well.




All this and I’m still trying to stay in the kitchen and develop new and interesting recipes for my lifestyle, clients and the kids I teach a nutrition series for at Earl Grey School in Calgary monthly.  This month we completed our sugar unit, last month was Salt, next month is Eating in Season ~ kids are pretty inspiring.

This go around is going to take a lot of inspiration. A lot of digging deep and more mental preparedness than the last. Holding fast while the storm beats you down….yep, I’m ready for it.


Anastacia & I working out a new recipe for sugar free vegan cookies – it bombed, 3 times. Master baker I am not.

I am excited for Spring Break as well as we have managed to (on points and searching for deals for weeks) find a cheap as hell family vacation to Cancun for 10 days at a hotel with a full gym AND kids club. It seems like while the Oil Gods are raining down hellfire and damnation the Adventure Gods are showering us with the gift of travel once again. Something I couldn’t live without and will never give up. Be sure to stay close to see how I made out during the trip ~ my coach will be altering my plan for the equipment I have access to.

I suppose I feel like this time around I really have a burning sense to remember that you only live once and there are so many excuses you can make for not leaving the house or getting out of your pajamas, but there is a giant world to see and so many positive changes to make that I can’t see how folks waste theirs in front of a TV or not doing anything.

My point here being, if you’re considering doing something that you feel is drastic, that you have no time for and are just all out overwhelmed – do it any way. There are enough hours in the day.

Replace the mantra “I don’t have time” with “I haven’t made that a priority in my life” and see how motivated you feel.

Today is rest day and I am going to go for a beautiful hike in the mountains with my family, feed your soul and you’ll find all the time you need for everything you truly need in your life.





Peanut butter & Banana Nice Cream – HOLIDAY SERIES




This picture is actually a little teaser for my chocolate pie…..but I really didn’t get a good snapshot of my ice cream. Quickest recipe you’ll make in your life, so there’s no excuse for dairy or yucky cheap ice cream anymore!

Love PB? Love Bananas? You’re done for.


3 cans coconut milk

1 cup peanut butter *smooth

3 large bananas

2 tbsp agave nectar or sweetener of choice

1/2 tbsp vanilla extract


Blend all ingredients in blender, pour in bowl/vessel and freeze.

Allow to sit on counter to thaw for 5-10 minutes before serving.


Serve with pie, or on it’s own or in a banana split…my god, serve it on my abs and call it a day!

Sunless tanners – good for you & our animal friends.



I think Jeff took this picture to make me look like a beer drinking cigarette smoking lunatic. Be warned: these are not mine AND I don’t recommend you smoke either. ❤

Winter travel season is here and it’s time to get ready to hit the road AND be #fitontheroad. This includes keeping your skin safe from the elements…..and your abs safe from over indulgence.

I am writing a quick post (after a request from my Winter Reboot group) to outline my favourite/highly recommended self-tanners.

I am a sun baby, worship that thing like it’s going out of style BUT I rarely (if ever) use a tanning bed. Spray tan for competition etc…

The tanners I’ve used for competition are NOT friendly for your body or environment and are of course, ridiculously expensive.

While I don’t usually use these things (because regardless of how they are applied I suck at it) there are a few brands that seem to actually deliver on the non-orange front. These ones also have the highest quality ingredients you can find in a sunless tanner.

Hard to find in Canada? Yes. Your best bet is to order online.

If you’re brave enough to try them out on your own here are tree recommendations from me:

True Natural – organic product

Vita Tanz – these guys boast free radical protection.

Chocolate Sun – if you hate the smell of spray tans, these guys found the magical chocolate code to expel that.

As always, make sure you’re applying sun screen regularly when you’re out in the tropics. While the sun up here in Canada is far more cancer-causing, getting burned is never fun.

Take care of the skin you’re in!

Coconut Date Poppers

This is a quick 2 minute recipe to curb that sweet tooth attack and add a few vitamins, minerals and protein in one bite!

Medjool are the sweetest/softest dates you can use…the rest will pale in comparison and be far less buttery.

Make sure you’re working with room temperature dates or allow them to sit out for an hour or so before you put this recipe together to maximize buttery-ness.


1 small/medium sized medjool date, pitted

.5 tsp shredded coconut

1/4 tsp lemon juice (fresh)

.1 tsp coconut oil melted


Split your date(s) in half but not all the way through. Remove pits.

Add coconut and top with a tiny bit of coconut oil and top with lemon juice.

Repeat for as many poppers as you can handle/fit your diet plan.

Note: I used small/medium dates to come up with the nutritional information below. The extra large californial medjools will blow this out of the water by double.

Great to take on the road as well.

Nutritional Info: 

Total Calories: 93

Fat: 1.5 g

Carbs: 22.4 g

Protein: .7 g

225 g of Potassium & 36 G of Vitamin C!

Becoming Little Miss Bikini – Episode 11 – Dieting Back & Future goals

After play, there is rest….somewhere beautiful where your mind and body can recover and feel the power of its true potential. For me, that’s somewhere sunny, usually Mexico for my birthday but never in the frame of mind that I left with this year. An abundance of smiles, sun and incredible views have peeled away any layers of doubt that I have had about myself, my abilities and my hopes for the future.

When you accomplish big goals, you become stronger…..I feel like a hunter of the unknown and a conqueror – hold the beef.

Dieting back

I wanted to touch on this area of competition just a little because of how important it is for anyone making huge lifestyle and diet changes to understand how much they could hurt themselves if they just “let it all go” after reaching their goals.

I’m SO happy that I didn’t try to work the nutrition side of things myself while learning about the ins and outs of food timing, gains, muscle development etc…remember, this was a totally NEW endeavor for me, really best to seek out a pro for your first time around at least.

I wouldn’t have gotten to my show day physique without a bit of water depletion and strict carb loading schedule. when you’ve tuned your body to be a precision machine, you will be able to see the outcome from drinking a cup of water or eating a cup of yams versus white rice. I wasn’t sold on that idea at first, but now after seeing the results first-hand, it’s undeniable.

After the show I had a couple of days to get back up to my 3-4 litres of water intake which went smoothly – and I didn’t “blow up” as they say. I continued with basically the same bodybuilding diet as well.

Once I got down to Mexico I indulged in a number of things but also felt like I’d fallen out of love with liquor. In a matter of 6 days you could see the salt starting to pack on stomach jigglies.

I actually got sick a couple of times because my body just couldn’t accept all of the food I was eating, even though there were LARGE healthy salads, tonnes of water and a little fruit…the minute I ate bread or something sweet I was immediately sick.

Don’t even get me started on how it feels to drink. I ordered a 1/2 bottle of Veuve by the pool on my birthday and was a) buzzed and b) bloated. I’ve been sitting on another FREE bottle of champagne for 3 days as I write this…..I guess I’ll have to take one for the team ;).

Personal Goals

I know I touched on this in my last post, so I wont waste too much time going into it. My goals now are:

a) Gains

b) December photo shoot

c) May 7 & 14 INBF Comps in Calgary and Vancouver

d) Find a couple more natural comps around that time then take a break for the season or at least participate in 1 fall classic….thinking WBFF.

e) Better have me my Pro Card


All in all I had a blast doing this and learned a lot from the experience. I learned that I’m STILL a super competitive person and that I need big goals to set my spirit free – once I achieve them. I learned that I can be a real cantankerous bitch and it’s not always because of the lack of carbs. I finally got that part of my life that I left back in Vancouver returned to me; living an inspired life and (without trying too hard) inspiring a lot of other people around me.

My next steps have been the same for a decade. Take my hard earned savings, head south and start a movement of health, happiness and friendships. I am still actively seeking out that final destination and have started, once again, to put the blueprint of that together – I’m excited for the next 5 years.

I’ve always wanted to help change the world for the better but had no idea what my place in it was for a very very long time. When I quit my 9-5 and focused on food medicine and healthy living, my whole life changed. Every way I have pushed myself to learn more about living a happy and full life in this part of my adventure has lead to inspiration for others in some way. That brings me so much joy. Knowing that I am making a difference is an incredible feeling, humbling and perfect in its truth.

How could I stop now?

Becoming Little Miss Bikini – Episode 10 – Competition day

There are no cheat days.

I can’t stop feeling like something is missing. All those days, weeks and months coming together for one (albeit long) day and now…crickets. The gym is still here, the diet is still here the love of strength is still here but now there is a quiet over me that I’m not welcoming all that easily into the fold of regular life.

Taking off to Mexico and having a real rest and reflect will be the re-boot I need to gear up for 6 months of hard work, gains, travel and adventure. Recovery is a part of the cycle and a much needed one, it’s just hard to get off the hype train when you’ve been on it non-stop for this long.

I am so grateful for my coach, who brought me this victory. Who was patient and understanding of my needs. My best friend and partner in everything, Jeff. Not sure how we do it, but we stay in love every day, even when I’m so hungry I could punch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My family and my parents who flew in just to see their “little girl” compete once again. Must’ve been surreal for you since I haven’t competed on a stage in so long. I’m grateful you were there to keep me motivated and watch me excel.

I’ve tried to capture my day here for everyone who has followed along on this journey. It’s been tough but fun and I’ve done SO much growing and learning. I can’t believe that I’m as strong as I’ve been in so many ways. My body, mind and spirit have blown the lid off of what I thought I was made up of. Yay me.

My original goal, that I sent to my coach Jennifer was to just come in top 5. Well, I beat my goal and now I’m on to my next one – first place, and a Pro Card in May. I have 2 kicks at the can…..stay tuned everyone.



New and improved suit

Sparkle central – more bling on this ting!

I sent my suit away to have more rhinestones put on it – was a recommendation of my coach and I’m glad I did. She sparkled quite nicely if I do say so myself. The suit cost me just over $300 in total as an FYI.

Schedule for 2 days tanning

Tanning was actually a total pain in the ass. I went to Bronze Baxx in Calgary where they sprayed me (butt naked is the status quo here so you cannot be shy) then baked me in a stand up for 6 minutes. 2 days in a row.

The JanTana tattoo cover cream that I ordered was darker than the tan they had so I had to run to the mall last minute the morning of tan #2 to pick up some Kat Von D stuff they recommended which seemed to work.

Sleeping in this tan is disgusting. You will end up about the stinkiest you could possibly be by the end of show #2 on d-day. It’s just a fact.These tans cannot take moisture so being ultra vigilant once your final tan is on is key.

When I got to the athletes meeting later on Friday night, a bunch of folks advised me that my tan wasn’t dark enough. I’ll need to let Bronze Baxx (who guaranteed me a sufficient tan for my federation) because I paid nearly $200 for essentially nothing. SO I had to get my wonderful makeup artist Glam Girl out of YEG to spray me.

SO glad I did. They used the JanTana spray product and I had compliments coming out of the wazoo about my tan. I certainly stood out in comparison to my competitors who were all tanned by the same company at the event. Risky, but worth it.

Polygraph/Urine Test

Lie detection about to go down.

The polygraph went fine. Basic 10 questions about banned substances and if I’d taken any in the last 7 years. No worries there. At breakfast the next day we were talking about this though…why don’t they just pee test everyone instead of the lie detector?

The lie detector takes about 30 minutes and then you STILL get to compete if you pass it (and lie) so that if you make it as the top of your class and go for a pro card THEN you get tested.

A lot of people leave after placement/awards so if the top dog was found to have contraband in their system what next? They contact the second runner up? They should pee test the top 5 in my opinion to stop cheating and expedite the system more quickly.

Anyway, it seemed kind of silly because if you didn’t use contraband, you have no worries…was quite the ordeal getting in. The polygraph team were a great couple with amazing personalities however, so the time passed quickly.

Athletes meeting & Registration

Athletes meeting swag.

This took place at the host hotel. It started 45 minutes late, took nearly 3 hours and was exhausting. This is when you check in to register, pick up your number and drop off any music you have if you are in a class with a routine and weigh in for bodybuilders.

You find out some information here about the next day however, we were not given schedules or anything and this was a really tough part of the night. I was on 3.5 hours sleep and had no energy. If I would have known how delayed it would all be…well, I would have left the meeting a little early to sleep. Honestly, the waiting is the hardest part – thank you Tom Petty.

Take the time to ask any questions here that you need to if the platform is provided. I was happy that they went through T-walks and all of the posing requirements for each class here – I was seriously freaking for some time about missing the posing camp – but I rocked the stage with what I learned on my own….nice to know they back your knowledge up at the athletes meeting though.


My nail girl failed so I bought a pack of press-ons. They worked fine, looked good from the stage and were $10. I would never schedule nails again in my life for a show. I painted my toes super sparkly gold (unlike the french that they recommend).

Hair, Makeup and Tanning

Hypothermia setting in – spray booth torture.

Glam Girl was amazing. So professional and quick. A husband and wife team out of Edmonton who kick ass. The makeup is beyond professional, the tan is JanTana and they have done up gals from here to Nevada at every sort of show you could imagine. I wish that you could fit them in your pocket and take them with you to all shows.

I’ll be using them May 7th for my Calgary show – if you’re competing in YYC soon please have a look out for them, they help me win second place I swear.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Prepare to be totally exhausted friends. Totally exhausted. There is not really any sleep for you if the show is organized anything like this one was. Day before the show they kept us up late at the athletes meet, show day you get up when you need to get your hair and makeup done.

On show day we were told to be at the stadium for 10 am – didn’t end up going on till 3pm. We were told after our pre-judging that ALL athletes had to be back by 4pm. My division didn’t go on until nearly 9pm. Essentially I spent an entire day laying on pavement/walking around aimlessly…along with my poor family who flew and drove in to see me.

This was probably the WORST part of the whole experience. Know the timing as best you can and try to relax somewhere else (home/hotel) when you can. I brought a blanket with me but should’ve brought an ultra thick yoga mat as well. It was cold back there and there were no chairs for anyone. Be prepared.

Meals for Fri/Sat

I had packed rice, boiled mashed yams and portions of tempeh for the day of the show. I also packed maple syrup, peanut butter, coconut oil and salt.

Meal prepping for the show.

I would be texting pictures to my coach every few hours for tweaks and changes. Water started to be cut on Friday around 1pm. This whole part is a science and I would have failed miserably if I didn’t have a great coach who is also a holistic nutritionist.

Keeping the right balance of food to stay tight and not bloated all day is a serious commitment.

Typical check-in picture. This was between prejudging and finals.


This is the longest part of the day and where all the placements are decided. This is where you need to kick ass and take names. I was not anticipating having to do quarter turns, walks etc… for so long, holding back pose over and over again for about 25-30 minutes has left me with a super tender lower back….be prepared for having to do a lot of work in pre-judging….stretch well and rest well after this….my leg day today will be affected by my back tenderness.

What I didn’t like about this portion was that I ALMOST had to do my walk to Shaggy’s song about getting caught cheating or whatever, I nearly puked. Finally “Rock my World” by Michael Jackson came on and I could groove and do an amazing T-walk.

I really wish they let us choose our music for this too….

5pm show

This part is supposed to be for the audience and for fun. To be perfectly honest, I’d rather do one show and have it over with. I was up from 4am for the day and didn’t get to off the stage till just after 9pm that evening. I was SO tired and SO sore…. being an ex-performer I really found this odd…PLUS the audience leaves after every category so by the time mine went on there were literally about 40 people left in the audience. Sad face.

Bum glued on and checking in with my coach before Pre-judging.

Pumping up

The rhythm for back stage is eat a meal, pump up and practice posing. I probably ate about 6-9 times (small meals & snacks)  for the first show and then about 6-7 times between the first and end of the second.

There were no mirrors provided in the area which sucked, but we shared some full lengths that locals had brought. I brought my own bands and small weights. I suggest you do the same if you’re ever competing so that you’re not SOL when pumping time comes before they call you up. So important to keep your muscles looking full and lovely before pre-judging especially.

First meals off-plan

2nd place in the bag. Time to hit up some delicious vegan/raw vegan fare!

Celebration DinnerNoorish, Edmonton

All organic. All vegan, all amazing.

These folks pulled a late-nighter to stay open and serve our group of 7 – I was so happy to have this kind of kindness shown to me on such a hard and late day.

We sampled their kale chips, root veggie poutine, I had an open-faced “burger” on a raw vegan onion bread with a kale caesar salad, vegan pumpkin cheesecake for dessert AND my first glass of wine in 4 months.

I have to say that I really wasn’t over the moon about the wine, didn’t really miss it at all. I nursed it and that was that. Still no hankering for a drink……food however, I’ll hanker that till the cows come home.

Celebration breakfast Clever Rabbit, Edmonton

Vegan eggs, vegan homemade bacon, vegan benny, vegan latte…..Vegan heaven. We even took some baking with us ( a giant vegan nanaimo bar which now lives in my deep freeze, an earl grey donut and a couple of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies)

Wrap up and emotions

Well, this one was a tough one for me. If you don’t know me, I’m SUPER competitive. Not because I need to beat people at things, but because I need to be the best I can be by MY definition…which, is usually number one.

I started to beat myself up a bit about coming in second. I really did….nearly pouted about it. Then I started collecting memories from along the way and realized that it’s subjective this category of bodybuilding, and that sometimes there isn’t a way to have won…your face may not be the face the judges like overall that day etc etc…I don’t know about industry politics, I’m sure I’ll run into this at some point down the road.

I had to shake myself and say HEY you were after this for a total of 90-120 days…and you came in top five, top 2  in the largest class of the competition – take a minute to bask in that accomplishment stupid.

I am the only athlete there that did it VEGAN…..and I really should have pushed to have that known more. I definitely will next time.

I’m committed to achieving first and a pro card. That’s my ultimate goal…so I’ll be back in May on the 7th and 14th in Calgary and Vancouver respectively – working for that. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (thank you Daft Punk).

Strong, determined and coming back with a vengeance.

Chocolate & AB protein pudding – Vegan Bodybuilding Series

What real guilt should look like. Me on reload day at Millennium, Oakland. Le sigh.

I have to admit, I’ve sinned. Knowing that peak week was coming and my diet would be ultra boring, I decided to have one final “hurrah” (if you could call it that) and made up a pudding fit for a body building queen.

There is no real picture of this recipe because it’s frankly, not that appetizing to look at…I’m also not going to set up lighting and the camera for the equivalent of brown poi. Sorry babes.

You’ll be seeing this recipe just days after my show….I’ll be looking at this recipe and laughing like “ha ha GIRL, you think THAT was a sin? Watch THIS!”. Really, the day after this post I’m jetting off to Cabo where I will have my first drink in over 4 months. I’m kind of scared.

Enjoy this one, I’ve added some nutritional information as well. I really intended on doing nutritional info on a lot more of my recipes but since I’ve been really dry on the cooking front, I’ll be saving all that new info and excitement for the off season!

Enjoy these, and don’t feel too guilty – you’ll be running your ass off at some point today and it won’t matter. 🙂


1 heaping scoop Iron Vegan Chocolate

1 big tablespoon organic smooth almond butter

1 tsp chia seed

Cinnamon or my homemade pumpkin spice to taste

Hot water as desired


While you are boiling some hot water on the stove-top put all dry ingredients in a bowl. Slowly add hot water so as not to spill out chia or powder. Mix thoroughly or until paste-like.

Next, add your almond butter and use the spoon you scooped it out with to slowly stir while adding more hot water until desired pudding consistency is found.

I usually let mine sit for about 3-5 minutes to allow the chia to puff up, then stir again and make sure I don’t need any more water.

Eat warm! Serves 1…but honestly, I could eat a quadruple batch of this without batting an eye.

Nutritional information: 

238 Calories

13.4g fat

12.2g carbs

24.5g protein